I’m involved in many projects, but you can the one’s of my biggest interest in the line below (RocketAdmins, Centuria, Prowoc), and in the next line are project I’m still involed in, but not on a regular basis – rather as a consultant (iStream.pl, CloudCommunity)


RocketAdmins.com is a spin-off project from Centuria. It’s a service desgined for and oriented on Magento . The goal is to provide the best Magento management support in the world.


Centuria provides support for Datacenters, ISPs, Internet and IT dependent companies. Centuria was launched in 2006 and through the years gained an enourmous experience in network and server management supplemented by a communication and understand of the business goals.

Programming World Cup

Prowoc.com is the greatest team programming competition in the World. 3 people team participate in the competition parallelly at the same time in different time zone working on the same problem set with live results. Visit the site. It’s on.


iStream is the greatest company supporting conferences with video productions and live streaming. The project started in 2008, we launched an LLC in 2009 and overt the last few years iStream developed the best support for conferences we never knew was even possible. Even though Piotr Damian is sole leader of iStream, I’m proud to help him once in a while.


Cloud Community is a conference which reveals different forms of clouds available on the sky. It’s open for new ideas, innovations and for most strictly vendor indepenedent. I had a pleasure to be the initiator of the event, but the current form and position on the market is only to Agnieszka Krzysztofik devotion and contribution.